STIKK përfaqëson kompanitë të cilat përcaktojnë zhvillimet e teknologjisë që formojnë botën në të cilen do të jetojmë në të ardhmën.
- Anëtarët
- Velez Managed Services
Detajet e kontaktit
Mati 1, Rruga C, Scandinavian Construction, Prishtinë, Kosovë

Velez Managed Services is made up of a team of highly experienced engineers, some with over 20 years of experience in the IT industry. Our experienced engineers are located in over 180 countries and have serviced over a thousand projects ranging from asset management through to network support & maintenance. We have led the effort to enhance the way managed services are provided and adapted our systems to offer the best possible services and communications both between us and our clients via many different methods for example telephone, web portal, and even social media.
Detaje të tjera
Shërbimet e Kompanisë:
Connectivity & Network ServicesViti i themelimit:
Numri i punëtoreve:
51-100 -
Produktet e kompanisë:
Managed Services, Data Center Service, Brake Fix, IT Hardware Procurement, IMAC & Project, Data Erasure,Migrations, On Site Engineering Resources, Wi-Fi Survey