STIKK përfaqëson kompanitë të cilat përcaktojnë zhvillimet e teknologjisë që formojnë botën në të cilen do të jetojmë në të ardhmën.
- Anëtarët
- Prishtina REA
Detajet e kontaktit

Prishtina REA has a unique relationship with Kosovo Ministries and Municipalities, business association network, and ICT Sector. Prishtina REA has contributed significantly to the local development of the municipal and regional development business sector and their respective IT based services and technical assistance to government institutions by providing them with customized ICT development, consultancy, training and advisory services in the areas of IT, Software, platform, database, online-services, strategic planning, project management, business and investment plan, grant application drafting, Partner’s search, feasibility study etc.
It respects the highest reliability in joint management and network promotion while flexibility serves as basis for a professional collaboration with key public administration sector and legal development stakeholders at the national level. It is fully based on Governmental Economic Vision, PAR, IT Strategy, and ERA.
Komtel and Prishtina REA have succeeded in becoming both nationally recognised software-engineering-automation and project (ICT) consulting firm with regional and national contracts based on their quality assurance procedures.
Detaje të tjera
Shërbimet e Kompanisë:
Business Development Services, Campaign Development and Art Direction, Conference Organization and Management, Digital Marketing Consulting, Event Production and Promotion, IT Consulting Services, Research services, Software Development, Training & Education, Web Development and DesignViti i themelimit:
Numri i punëtoreve:
0-10 Qarkullimi vjetor:
Produktet e kompanisë:
Consulting Services, Strategy Development, Export support, Internationalization