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- Anëtarët
- ITEG llc
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About ITEG
ITEG llc (IT, Project Engineering and GIS Solutions) was established in February 2009 as a result of the process of outsourcing at IPKO Telecommunication. Although IPKO remains an important client for ITEG, the formation of the company enables the diversification of projects and clients.
Its mission is to deliver quality services, with time it is divided in three pillows: Software/DB Development, Architectural/Surveying and GIS solutions, products to clients in Kosovo more broadly to outsource the services.
ITEG covers a wide spectrum of GIS-based services in different sectors such are Telecommunications (HFC – Hybrid Fibre Optic & Coax), Water & Sanitation Utilities, Electric utility etc., from data capture (Aerial & Underground infrastructure) to analysis to presentation and dissemination. In addition to traditional GIS analysis it also specializes in analyzing remotely sensed data, from both air and space platforms. ITEG has considerable expertise in field and remotely sensed data capture as well as the creation and manipulation of geo-databases. Furthermore, through appropriate data analysis ITEG has a proven track record in deriving both raster and vector secondary and compound products for clients. ITEG can post process imagery and has developed capabilities in semi and fully automatic classification of remotely sensed data.
ITEG is engaged in developing mapping platform for all type of Elections in Kosovo, developed customized webGIS application for Water and Sewage Regional Companies and Regulatory Authorities for Telecommunications.
By expanding scope of services, ITEG expanded inside house list of professionals from different field and engaged other professionals by specific project.
The ITEG Team
ITEG is built on the expert knowledge of its staff, the majority of whom applied GIS during the humanitarian and reconstruction phases in Kosovo from 1999 until May 2006. In June 2006, the present ITEG team was brought together through the establishment of the IPKO Telecommunication GIS Unit. The team includes individuals that have managed Information Management and GIS projects for the United Nations overseas in Jordan, Iraq, Sudan (Darfur) and software developing for technology companies such as IBM in UK.
ITEG established a close working relationship with Environment Systems Ltd, UK, with respect to advanced processing of remotely sensed data within an environmental context. ITEG has signed NDA with Teltonika, Lithuania for GPS fleet management and vehicle tracking for Kosovo and Region. ITEG has also signed an NDA with RECURA
ITEG is keen to make further strategic collaborations with companies and organizations to the mutual benefit of all parties concerned.
ITEG has a fully equipped IT and GIS unit providing facilities for both data capture and analysis. ITEG subscribes to major GIS and IT packages and can undertake work for clients using a variety of vector and raster formats, architectural database design/build/implement.
ITEG is licensed with Lic/No.12 from (KCA) Kosovo Cadastral Agency as company to conduct all kind of surveying measurements.
ITEG has an in-house printing facility capable of generating large format maps or designed projects in different scales to the specification of our clients.
ITEG is located at Fehmi Agani Nr. 52/7, in central Prishtina, close to the Croatian Embassy.
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