STIKK përfaqëson kompanitë të cilat përcaktojnë zhvillimet e teknologjisë që formojnë botën në të cilen do të jetojmë në të ardhmën.
- Anëtarët
- Kerkoj
Detajet e kontaktit

Kerkoj is a marketplace where you can discover, buy, rent and/or sell items as well as search, capture, favorite or edit listings right from your mobile device or your computer. Our goal is to unify and connect individuals and businesses so they have the opportunity to easily sell, rent or give away their products, assets and belongings.
Another proud feature of ours is for the labor market. Individuals have the opportunity to create CV’s and application letter on our platform where we give you tips and tricks along the way so you get the best possible CV/application letter. You can create several based on the type of positions you are looking for, and save them all so you can edit them along the way without needing to start from scratch. Companies can also post job vacancy with description and criteria they are looking for in our 100+ industries.
Our primary strategy is to offer a professionally designed platform that is up to date with the newest and most innovative in design and technology. With attention to detail and professional development of the site/apps and it’s services we believe that our offers are compelling and competitive. As Kerkoj continues to evolve, our mission as a company is for every individual or business – small or large – to be easily found and to have equal opportunities. Keeping our focus on three main objectives; company, customers and accessibility, we will expand our scope and services taking advantage of the different market needs while providing the highest quality.