Informatë: Art House – Event për Menaxhim të Shërbimeve të Printimit

Me 11 Mars 2015 Art House organizon event për menaxhim të shërbimeve të Printimit i cili do të mbahet në Swiss Diamond Hotel.

“Message – what – What do you want them to know/do?: The purpose of the Event is to provide client with innovative platform of software, hardware and services which offers a cost effective, full control on tracking and monitoring of print activities and gain control of your documents and save as much as 30% in the process.

Objectives of Managed Print Services – why – The main goal of Managed Print Service is to optimise the workflow and assets, improving the document and print requirements of the client in the most satisfying, cost-effective way such as increasing business and staff productivity, cost management and control.”

Për informatë shtesë kontaktoni në [email protected] ose +381 38 549 549.