STIKK 16th General Assembly Meeting

The Association of Information and Communication Technology of Kosovo (STIKK) held the 16th Meeting of the Assembly of Members, to discuss the association’s work in 2023 and outline plans for further increase in 2024.
The meeting focused on developments in the ICT sector in Kosovo during 2023, highlighting STIKK’s efforts in legislative advocacy and the operationalization of Tech Park Prishtina, a key initiative with tremendous potential for boosting the growth of the sector.

Key achievements:

  • Fostering innovation and entrepreneurship – Events like the KosICT23 Festival brought together stakeholders, decision makers and experts to discuss trends, share best practices and showcase technological advances. In addition, STIKK facilitated the establishment of Tech Park Prishtina, providing a dedicated space for startups and fostering an environment conducive to innovation.
  • Workforce Development – Through partnerships with local and international organizations, STIKK supported initiatives that equip the workforce with the skills and opportunities to thrive in the ICT sector.
  • STIKK actively participated in the working groups for relevant laws and strategies, advocating for an ICT support stimulus package. Their involvement in the drafting of the Law on Innovation and Entrepreneurship and in the Kosovo Strategy for E-Government underlines STIKK’s commitment to shape policies that promote ICT growth.
  • Expanding market access – By organizing international B2B activities, conferences and networking opportunities, STIKK opened doors for Kosovo ICT companies to explore sales opportunities in the global market.

The members approved the work plan for 2024, which has priority:

  • Strengthening the legal framework for ICT businesses.
  • Increasing access to financing for ICT companies.
  • Increasing the sector’s identity and local potential in the international market.
  • The full functionalization of Tech Park Prishtina as the main centre of ICT innovation and development in Kosovo.

To achieve these goals more effectively, the STIKK Assembly approved the renewal of membership packages, introducing new innovative services. These services aim to strengthen STIKK’s role in supporting the ICT ecosystem.

Changes in the Board of STIKK
After the elections held during the assembly, the STIKK Board welcomes new members:
Mr. Kristian Kabashi (Numarics)
Ms. Bardha Ajvazi (Brandfluence)

The updated composition of the board is as follows:
Chairman: Mr. Ermal Sadiku (Linkplus IT)
Vice President: Mrs. Zana Tabaku (Appdec)
Mr. Vigan Budima (ASEE from Asseco)
Mr. Fatos Gacaferri (Nettxio)
Mr. Faton Selishta (Kutia)
Mr. Alban Sahiti (Tenton)
Mr. Benjamin Kolenovic (Growzillas)
Mr. Kristian Kabashi (Numarics)
Ms. Bardha Ajvazi (Brandfluence)