STIKK përfaqëson kompanitë të cilat përcaktojnë zhvillimet e teknologjisë që formojnë botën në të cilen do të jetojmë në të ardhmën.

Detajet e kontaktit

Gustav Mayer, nr. 20, 10000, Prishtine, Prishtinë, Kosovë



Litera, headquartered in Chicago, IL, is a fast-growing software company and one of the
leading legal technology suppliers in the world. Serving over 90% of the world’s largest law firms, our
software is used by hundreds of thousands of lawyers every day. As a company recently selected for
Crain’s Best Places to Work in Chicago, we believe professional development, rewards programs, open
communication, and transparent leadership all contribute to a unique and open work environment. Our
employees are driven, energetic, passionate, and can make a direct impact on the future of the

Detaje të tjera

  • Shërbimet e Kompanisë:

    Software Development
  • Viti i themelimit:

  • Numri i punëtoreve:

  • Produktet e kompanisë:

    CAM, Cloud Migrator, Kira etc.

Shperndaje ose Print

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