STIKK përfaqëson kompanitë të cilat përcaktojnë zhvillimet e teknologjisë që formojnë botën në të cilen do të jetojmë në të ardhmën.

Detajet e kontaktit



LinkPlus IT is a software development company specialized in development of scalable enterprise applications. We use the latest and greatest technologies that enable businesses to reach out to their customer in all mediums regardless the platform they use. This includes web, Android, iOS, and HTML5 apps. Our diverse experience with the industries that we have worked, gives us the experience to deliver the client what it needs.

If you have a problem, we have the solution.

Detaje të tjera

  • Shërbimet e Kompanisë:

    Android Development Services, iOS Development Services, Java EE, Microsoft Solutions, QA Automation
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