Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region

Me datën 27-28, Mars, 2014 u mbajt konferenca perfundimtare e projektit WBC-INCO.NET e titulluar Drejt 2020: Horizonte te reja per Hulumtim dhe Zhvillim Teknologik dhe Inovacion ne Regjionin e Ballkanit Perendimor.

The WBC-INCO. Net concluded its final phase with the event entitled “Towards 2020: New Horizons for RTD and Innovation in the Western Balkan Region” which was being organised on 27-28 March 2014, in Vienna, Austria.

STIKK through the ICT- KOSEU enabled the participation of 7 participants from Kosova, composed of representatives from the business community, academia and the government.

This event has brought together over 100 science policymakers, scientists and industry representatives from the Western Balkan Region, SEE, Danube Region but also other EU countries who are interested in cooperation with WB countries.

The participants had the opportunity to hear about the participation in Horizon 2020, participate in select thematic priorities and well as explore the opportunities for WBC countries cooperation with the EU member states within the new Framework. In addition, this conference offered the participants an opportunity to meet with the individual representing the above stated countries.