The thirty sixth STIKK board meeting held

On July 24th, 2014 the STIKK board held its thirty sixth meeting. The meeting was attended by 6 out of 9 members of the board.

These are the agenda items that were discussed during the meeting:

1. The discussion and approval of the minutes of the thirty-fifth meeting (regular) held on May 14, 2014.
2. The discussion and approval of the STIKK quarterly report.
3. Reporting on changes at ICK.
4.The new concept for the Training Academy.
5. The working visit in Germany from 6-10 October, 2014.

The decisions made during this meeting were:

1. The approval of the agenda.
2. The Minutes of the thirty-fifth meeting of the STIKK Board were unanimously approved.
3. The STIKK quarterly report has been approved.
4. It was decided that there will be changes made to the new concept of the STIKK Training Academy. Following these changes the document will be sent to the board members, who will provide their formal approval electronically.
5. The decision on the participation in the working visit to Austria and Germany of the two board members Mr. Brestovci and Mr. Sahiti was unanimously approved.

Following four hours of discussion the meeting was concluded by the chairman of the board Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci.