The eleventh edition of the AmCham Career Fair

Për të njëmbëdhjetën herë me radhë, Oda Ekonomike Amerikane në Kosovë, kësaj here në bashkëpunim me kompaninë The HeadHunter organizojnë Panairin e Punës.

For the eleventh time in row, the American Chamber of Commerce in Kosovo, this time in cooperation with The HeadHunter have organized Career Fair 2014, which is already a traditional event which brings together job seekers and serious Kosovo companies from different sectors such as bank and finance, accounting and auditing, construction and pharmaceuticals, food manufacturing, trade, business consultancy, marketing and public relations.This edition is unique because the Career Fair lasted for two days, and during the fair workshops and conferences with specific topics of labor market will take place. Furthermore, organizers encourage the participation of individuals with disabilities, while at the same time the concept of voluntary work will also be promoted.

This Fair gathered more than 1300 students and job seekers from all regions, where except the workshops and sessions organized with the aim of awareness and consultancy over their integration in labor market, job seekers also had the opportunity to apply for different open positions from twenty companies of different sectors.

At the opening of the fair, the project leader Atlantida Hasani expressed her content for the interest and willingness of the local companies to be part of the eleventh edition of the Fair. Mrs. Hasani encouraged students and job seekers to use this opportunity during these two days, praising the Fair as a unique opportunity for employment.

While, Elton Ilirjani from The HeadHunter Company said that this fair is very practical and tangible for all young people. He also informed the participants on the study conducted on the labor market, by expressing his happiness that over 2,700 young people responded to the questionnaire only from Kosovo, which shows that young people are quite active and aware of what the workplace requires. Furthermore, Mr. Ilirjani invited all participants to attend all the workshops and the prepared sessions with the aim of raising awareness and advising young people on how to apply for a job.

Moreover, Representatives from the Association of Information Technology and Communication (STIKK) presented Skills Gap Analysis during the workshop, whereas various relevant stakeholders had the opportunity to discuss the efforts that are being made in order for the labor force in Kosovo to meet the needs of the labor market.In addition, the participants had the opportunity to attend the presentation of the conducted study of the company “The HeadHunter” on the Employment and Welfare of South-East Europe. This study which included around 10,000 people, of which 2,700 were from Kosovo, was conducted with the aim of researching the job market of five countries of the Balkans. Moreover, the result of this study showed that the private sector is the biggest employer with 66% being employed by the private sector.