STIKK participates in “Week of Woman”

The second day of Women’s Week was held in the premises of ICK, which focused on the topic “Women and Technology”. More than a 100 women from all over Kosovo participated in this event, where there were representatives of political parties, civil societies, businesses, media, academia, and other guests.

During this day, there was a discussion session moderated by: Donika Kada Bujupi – member of Kosovo’s Assembly, while discussions were held by: Uranik Begu from ICK, Vlora Çitaku – Minister for European Integration, Vjollca Çavolli from STIKK, Milena Harito – Minister of Innovation and Public Administration (Albania), Mimoza Hajdarmataj – local coordinator of the women network “Equality in decision-making, Albania”, and Kristina Wilfore from NDI.

In her discussion, Ms. Vjollca Çavolli talked about the role of women in political participation enabled through technology, which touched topics such as: the absence of women in technology, advantages that technology provides for women, the creation of communities in social networks in order to push forward goals, the role of STIKK in promoting and enhancing the capacities of women in information technology etc.

After the discussion session, Valon Canhasi from STIKK gave a lecture on the ways of using social networks, after which, the women learned how to register and use the social network “Twitter”.