STIKK meets political parties

D4D Institute has organized 4 representation fairs mid-early September between 30 membership associations and 4 leading political parties in Kosovo. The idea of organizing these meetings was to inform political parties about specific issues that membership groups (e.g. farmers, journalists, doctors, etc.) care about. The ultimate purpose is to inspire party leaders to include membership concerns in their party platforms. Strict rules have been applied during the discussion in asking participants to be concise with their requests within a 2 minutes timeline. STIKK at this meeting repeated the request for proceeding the ”Draft law on goods exempt from custom TAX and goods with zero rate of the custom TAX” which thrust due to the refusal by the president office. Another request from STIKK was the lack of support from government on fiscal policies for companies that are engaged on IT exporting services and scaled VAT for ICT products from 16% to 5%. Because time was limited, at the end we requested more serious approach to the IT Sector from government and as a option to create the ministry of ICT.