STIKK for the sixth time organized its Assembly for ICT sector companies

On 17 April 2014, in the facilities of Innovation Centre Kosovo, STIKK organized its sixth Assembly meeting.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr.Bernard Nikaj, congratulated the Association for the work done during these six years and considered STIKK as ”The most accountable Association regarding good governance compared with other associations.” He mentioned that this sector is defined as a priority sector for the government and he emphasized that “even though there have been some progresses for the sector in the fiscal policy, the Ministry will continue its efforts in creating a more promising ambient, saying he would personally advocate these facilities.

The audience was addressed also from the most devoted supporter of the ICT sector in Kosovo, the Norwegian ambassador Mr. Jan Braathu. The ambassador stated “The ICT Industry has achieved a great development and massive growth within these six years. From the beginning in 2008, the association has been the integral part for this development. I dare to say that Kosovo ICT sector is one of the most organized in Kosovo, even in the region- thanks to STIKK”. The Ambassador also emphasized the difficulties that the sector is facing, where he mentioned two of the most important: education and government policies for the overall business environment. He also said that the Norwegian government has been supportive of the ICT sector in Kosovo for years and will continue in this direction, however despite this, it should be understood that the ultimate success will depend solely on the Kosovar stakeholders.

Mr. Ilir Rexha from GIZ also praised the Association for its work and emphasized that there is already a genuine German-Kosovar cooperation established in this sector, and that GIZ will continue to support and promote the sector in foreign markets.

Later Mr.Dardan Vokshi, Vice Chairman of STIKK’s board, presented the work of the board and the international activities of the association. While the Executive Director of STIKK presented the one-year work of the association.

The Assembly continued the work in the afternoon, where modifications were made in the Statute of STIKK and four new board members were elected.

Also the assembly approved the annual report of STIKK, the work plan and the budget for 2014 were presented; new membership packages were presented and approved, and finally, a company that will do the audit for the Association during the next three years was elected.