STIKK enables discussion regarding the skills gap in ICT in a roundtable between businesses and universities

As a follow-up to the job fair, on 05/28/2014, STIKK organized a round table in which representatives from private sector and universities had the opportunity to discuss about the skills gap and ways to overcome this problem.

The meeting which was held in the offices of the Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK), was opened by ms. Vjollca Cavolli who thanked the participants for their contribution in organizing the 2014 Job Fair. As an introduction to the discussion session the participants were presented with the statistics from the Job fair by ms. Lorika Tahiri, whereas Mr. Valon Canhasi presented the “ICT Skills Gap Analysis”.

The private sector had the opportunity to express their concerns regarding the absence of a certain set of skills encountered with the students, which makes the hiring process more difficult. Both parties: the businesses and the universities agreed that a more intense cooperation needs to be developed in order to ensure the development of a certain set of skills in order to overcome these impediments.

STIKK promised to continue the organization of similar meetings in order to facilitate a platform for the business community as well as the academia.