Priminister Hashim Thaci visited STIKK

On 11 April 2014, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci visited Mr. STIKK and ICK, where the Prime Minister had the opportunity to get more informed about the achievements of STIKK, ICT developments, and learn about concerns and obstacles in the ICT sector. Present at the meeting were STIKK’s board members Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci, Mr. Driton Hapçiu, Mr. Enver Doko, as well as the executive director Ms. Vjolca Çavolli.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister was presented with a document, through which the following points were asked:

– Establishment of the ICT sector as a priority sector within the Kosovo Development Strategy;
– Creation of Innovation and ICT ministry in the next government mandate;
– Removal of taxes on export-oriented companies in the services;
– Reducing VAT on ICT equipment from 16% to 5%;
– Expand the list of ICT equipment exempt from customs duties;
– Increase public funding for innovation and R&D in the ICT sector;
– Supporting entrepreneurship and “StartUps” in the ICT sector;
– Signing of a strategic partnership agreement between the Government and STIKK the purpose of further development of the sector.

Kosovo Prime Minister agreed with the fact that Information and Communication Technology should be a priority sector for development of the country, where Kosovars will have the opportunity to become a state that is based on knowledge-based economy. Also, the Prime Minister agreed to support us in creating the innovation and ICT ministry, increase funding for ICT, support innovation and startups, as well as sign an agreement between the Government and STIKK.