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Translation Centre was founded in 2007 by a group of professional translators and interpreters, who at that time had already been in the industry as freelancers for over 7 years.
The mission of the Translation Centre is to become the leader in the language services industry in Kosovo by delivering top-quality language solutions to major stakeholders amongst the international community present in Kosovo.
Since its founding in 2007, Translation Centre has been constantly growing and developing its client-driven activities by:
– Supplying only the most experienced interpreters and state-of-the-art equipment for conferences, workshops and conventions;
– Providing fast and high quality translation services;
– Giving each and every client the professional services they expected and deserved.
The key to our success has been the calibre of our team and the dedication to our clients. Our staff is committed to delivering a translation/interpretation that truly reflects the concepts, thoughts and meaning of the source material, and they are on call around the clock to meet the most critical project demands with utmost consistency.
We value every client, new and old, and as a leading translation company we want to stay at the top and keep our clients coming back, again and again to request and be satisfied with quality services of our translation company.
Today, we are very pleased to be able to enumerate in our list of long-standing clients a range of organisations and programs such as USAID/Systems for Enforcement of Agreements and Decisions SEAD), USAID/Democratic Effective Municipality Initiative, USAID/Effective Rule of Law Program, USAID/Contract Law Enforcement Program, USAID/Property Rights Program, USAID/Transformational Leadership Program, USAID Office in Kosovo, US Embassy in Kosovo, UNHCR, Management and Development Associates (MDA), Mercy Corps, CARE International, USAID/Young Entrepreneurs Program, European Commission Supported – Regional Development Agencies, German GIZ, EU Sector-Wide Approach in Education, IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems), the World Bank – Institutional Development Education Project, and many others. These organizations have entrusted us to cover all their translation and interpretation needs and they rely on our excellent teams of linguists, editors and other service professional, who are always ready to live up to client expectations.
We provide translation of legal, economic, marketing, commercial, academic, technical, environmental and general documents. Our company also has some of the best simultaneous interpreters translating between English and any of the local languages, including Albanian, Serbian, Turkish and Roma, and who can make conferences, seminars, workshops, and you name it go as smooth as it can be possible. We also possess state of art equipment for simultaneous interpretation for all kinds of multilingual meetings.