STIKK represents the companies that are determining the technology developments, which are shaping the future of our world..

Contact Details



Welcome to our Gen Z digital agency, where we blend creativity and technology to bring your brand to life. Specializing in UI/UX design, visual identity, digital marketing, and website design, we create intuitive, engaging interfaces, cohesive brand identities, effective marketing assets, and visually appealing, functional websites tailored to your needs.

Other details

  • Company services:

    Graphic Design Services
  • Year of foundation:

  • Number of employees:

  • Yearly annual:

  • Company products:

    UI/Ux Design creating intuitive and engaging interfaces tha prioritize the user experience, focusing on usability Visual Identity developing cohesive brand identities by designing logos, color, schemes, typography and visual elements Digital Marketing designing assets and materials for digital markting campaigns to communicate messages effectively Website Design Creation of visually appealing and functional websites, adapted to clients 'needs and easy navigation

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