ITO & BPO Germany Forum 2014

On 1st October STIKK participated at the ITO & BPO Germany Forum 2014 which took place in Berlin Germany. STIKK used this trip to also meet some potential partners in order to increase the visibility of the Kosovo IT sector and its members.

During this trip STIKK met with BITKOM – Federal Association for Information Technology, where cooperation possibilities where discussed in the fields of information sharing and also joint project applications within the Horizon2020 framework. In addition, the possibility of adding Kosovo to the market reports of EITO (European IT Observatory) was addressed. STIKK also met with Mr. Ivo Betke from the webcrowd, Dr. Sandra Schulz from ECO (Association of the German Internet Industry) and Mr. Maciel Laskus from, and discussed various opportunities available for cooperation that would benefit the Kosovo ICT sector. During this trip STIKK also met with 2 accelerators Axel Springer Plug&Play and Startupbootcamp, with whom possibilities of information sharing and cooperation were discussed especially with regards to cooperation with ICK (Innovation Centre Kosovo) as well as other startups with growth potential.

ITO&BPO Germany Forum is the only international event for the ITO&BPO industry in Germany, to exchange best practices, get information about destinations and business models. The event is noncommercial, independent and organized by industry experts. The event focused on presenting best practices and ITO&BPO sourcing destinations from Ukraine, Bulgaria and many other successful countries that are now as a favorable destination to outsource services and also provided some useful information on what should a country focus in order to increase their visibility on becoming an IT Outsourcing Destination.