ICT–KOSEU: Travel Grants for ICT 2013 Event

STIKK on behalf of the ICT-KOSEU: Dialogue and Cooperation Between EU & Kosovo in ICT R & D, a project funded by the European Commission’s FP7 ICT programme published the application for travel grants for five (5) researchers to participate in the ICT 2013 Event in Vilnius on 6-8 November 2013.

Following the application process the project consortium committee selected the five grantees based on the application review process. The selected grant holders are: Vullnet Kabashi, Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo; Arten Avdiu, University of Prishtina; Driton Hapçiu, CACTTUS sh.a.;Arbnor Hasani, Innovations Lab Kosovo; and Dren Imeraj, Smart Squared L.L.C. ICT2013 will bring together Europe’s best & brightest in ICT research, with businesses old & new, web start-ups and digital strategists to chart a path for Europe’s ICT research policy. More than 4000 researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs, industry representatives, young people and politicians are expected in Vilnius!