Happy Birthday ICK

A year has passed from the opening ceremony of Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) which in the past 12 months with full merit has been nicknamed by the media as the “house of Kosovo innovators”. During the first year of its operations Innovation Centre continuously helped 115 members of 26 teams who have gone through the incubator, the centre has organized trainings, events, seminars for Kosovar entrepreneurs. ICK with its activities in Kosovo has managed to bring the modern concept of entrepreneurship that combines business, technology and innovation. ICK within the first year of work has signed 19 cooperation agreements with institutions, companies, universities, various organizations within and outside Kosovo.The first anniversary of the opening of ICK is an opportunity to be informed closely with the 25 unique trainings attended by over 300 people, 30 events organized that were visited by over than 1600 people from different professional backgrounds, and to analyze products and services of 17 teams that are currently part of the ICK’s incubator.

ICK has also developed four useful manual for Kosovar entrepreneurs.”The driving force and central goal behind the centre is the need for creation of future-oriented jobs, especially based on information and communication technology, and to support entrepreneurs in creating successful companies”, said Astrid Green Chairperson of the ICK Board and managing director of Athene Prosjektledelse AS.Green also added that ICK is a base of innovation that provides relevant incubation and business development services, as well as market-oriented and professional training, consulting and modern facilities.Uranik Begu Executive Director Innovation Centre presented the work done during one year from the centre.

“As you know Innovation Centre was established last year in June of 2012 and it is part of the ‘Business Development Program’ that is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway”, Begu said adding that ICK aims to identify businesses based on technology and innovation, which have the potential to evolve. He said the Innovation Centre will continue to support young entrepreneurs and their business ideas based on technology and innovation.His Excellency Ambassador of Norway in Kosovo Jan Braathu said that he feels very happy to be in the ceremony where it is marked the first anniversary of the opening of ICK. “I think this has been a very good year during which time our expectations are met and hope that during this year reached your expectations for this innovation center has nothing to do with Norway, has nothing to do with the Ministry of Norway’s Foreign but has to do with Kosovo, giving help companies “, said Braathu adding that” Our vision for the center is that the center should be based not only on Kosovo or just for Norway but we want this to be a European center where there will be cooperation at European level in the IT sector.While Vjollca Çavolli executive director of Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK) said that she is very pleased and happy that the state of Norway is helping young entrepreneurs from Kosovo.Athene Prosjektledelse, Norway and Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK), Kosovo are the founders of ICK, and Crimson Capital LLC, Kosovo is the main cooperating partner. ICK is funded by The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.