Business Tuesday #13

On January 14, 2014, at the Business Tuesday #13, experts and leader of the information and communication technology field in Kosovo discussed about the latest technology trends in Kosovo and the world for 2014 to an audience of over 60 people at the Innovation Centre Kosovo. It was stated that Kosovo is now joining the world trends in technology usage, whereby the request for mobile and web apps is predominant and necessary in various aspects of daily lives.“We are trying to promote Kosovo as a country where IT has a lot of prosperity and a huge potential” said Vjollca Çavolli the Executive Director of the Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK). She stated that for the Kosovar youth technology is not only a part of the daily lives as a communication means, but rather a working tool even more.The audience had an opportunity to also listen to the presentation of Bersant Deva, PhD candidate at the Technical University of Berlin, Kujtim Gashi director of the Kosovo Information Society Agency, Dardan Sejdiu, Deputy Mayor of Prishtina and Hekuran Doli – CEO at Terabytespace.