ATIK submits to political parties the proposal for the development of the ICT sector in Kosovo

The Alliance of Tech Parks and Incubators of Kosovo (ATIK) has submitted a comprehensive document with proposals for the development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Entrepreneurship and Innovation sector to all political parties of the Republic of Kosovo competing in the parliamentary elections in February 2025.

ATIK emphasizes that this strategic step aims to engage policymakers to include the ICT sector as a key priority in their electoral and governing programs.

The submitted document contains recommendations in four essential areas:

Legal Reform: Improving existing legislation and drafting new laws to support innovation.

Government Support: Establishing a Ministry of Technology and creating the role of CTO within the government.

Financial Support: Creating an Independent Development Fund for ICT enterprises and financing Tech Parks and Incubators.

Education and Workforce Development: Advancement of education programs in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and implementation of DUAL VET programs to connect the labour market with education.

ATIK members: TechPark Prishtina, Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren, VentureUP – University of Prishtina Venture Incubator, Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK), Innovation Center Jakova (JIC), Kosovo Innovation Hub, Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren, Kamenicë Technology Park, Graçanica Innovation Center.

ATIK, representing these nine important innovation and technology centres in Kosovo, expresses its readiness for close cooperation with policymakers to bring positive changes in this sector.

The full document with proposals for the development of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Entrepreneurship and Innovation sector can be found at the following link:ër-Zhvillimin-e-Sektorit-të-TIK-ut-Ndermarrësisë-dhe-Inovacioionit-në-Kosovë.pdf