National Conference on Kosovo Digital Economy (KODE) Program

Today on 21.06.2016 the representatives of STIKK were present at the opening of the National Conference on Kosovo Digital Economy (KODE) Program organized by the World Bank Group.

KODE started the first day with the opening remarks of the Minister of Economic Development Mr. Blerand Stavileci, who said in that the future of Kosovo’s economy should be seen towards the fields of information technology and it has culminated in this regard is the program of the digital economy. Present at the conference was also the Minister of Finance Mr. Avdullah Hoti, who said last year that part of the fiscal package has been the release of VAT-tech equipment as part of the development of this sector.

In the first session of the conference unfolded current results and prospects of the pilot-project “Women at Work Online” (WOW), continuing with the discussion panel.

The second part of the day continued with the second session on: digital skills and digital businesses in which Mr. Uranik Begu from the Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK) presented the results on the analysis of new digital businesses.

The first day of the conference ended with a panel discussion on skills and digital businesses.