South-East Europe Information Technology Conference

On 22 and 23 May in Sarajevo, the South-East Europe Information Technology (SEE IT) Conference was held. This conference gathered ICT clusters and associations, companies from those which have just been established to those with decades of experience in the ICT sector, and companies from other industry sectors that use ICT technologies in their business.

Amongst the panelists and participants we the Executive Director of STIKK, Mrs. Vjollca Çavolli, and Founding and Managing Partner of CACTTUS, Mr. Driton Hapçiu.

The main goal of the conference is to create an effective environment for two days where companies can interact and trade freely for SEE and EU target markets’ mutual benefit. Participating countries: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey.

This conference has been made possible by the USAID Partnership for Innovation (PI) project from BiH, together with the USAID REG project and the GIZ Open Regional Fund for Foreign Trade Promotion.

You can find the conference program and more information on this link: