Seventh STIKK Annual Assembly – 2nd of April, 2015

On the 2nd of April at the Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK), the Kosovo ICT Association (STIKK) held its seventh annual assembly.

STIKK had the honor of hosting participants and guests from various institutions, such as board members of STIKK, representatives from member companies, individual members, donors, and representatives from different non-governmental organizations and national institutions.

The president of the STIKK board, Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci, officially opened the assembly by welcoming all participants. Afterwards Mr. Blerand Stavileci, Minister of Economic Development, explained how he and his ministry cooperates with STIKK, and how the ICT sector can be improved, for example by creating the development and innovation fund.

Mr. Jan Braathu, Ambassador of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Kosovo, was the next one to express to the assembly participants his and Norway’s interest in the Kosovo ICT sector. By taking Norway as an example, Ambassador Braathu talked about how the ICT sector has great impact towards the economic development, by contributing to other sectors as well. Mr. Braathu encouraged STIKK and its members to continue their work, because he personally believes that the ICT sector in Kosovo is the most organized ICT sector in the region, and STIKK continues to be the focus point for ICT companies in Kosovo and for cooperation between the sector and government.

The last foreword for the assembly was given by the Deputy Ambassador of the German Embassy in Kosovo, Mr. Matthias Kiesler. Mr. Kiesler expressed the great interest for the ICT sector, and that he believes that this sector is one of the greatest successes of Kosovo. “I have to say I’m deeply impressed, especially by you, by the entrepreneurs, how you do something despite difficulties in this country. I would like to congratulate you for this success”, was one of the few remarks mentioned by Mr. Matthias Kiesler.

After the forewords, Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci continued presenting the international and the board activities of STIKK. Amongst the 2014 achievements, Mr. Brestovci mentioned the organization and participation of about 15 conferences and B2B events (national and international), 7 publications focusing on the ICT sector, and avocation for the approval of the customs tax exemption of ICT goods. Some of the international activities STIKK’s board president found mentionable were the participation of 5 STIKK member companies at CeBIT 2014 with the slogan “Kosovo – Your Outsourcing destination”, and KosICT 2014, the regional conference which has become a STIKK traditional, which has been organized for the 3rd time in a row.

After the board president, STIKK’s Executive Director, Ms. Vjollca Çavolli presented more broadly activities of STIKK for the year 2014. Activities were divided in five (5) objectives which show how STIKK helps to create conducive legislative and policy environment for a rapid development of the ICT sector, human resource development consistent with the ICT sector demands, provide services to members, with a view on creating new business opportunities, creating conditions for a sustainable activity of the STIKK, and support members in exercising social responsibility of the ICT sector.

The assembly working section continued in the afternoon, starting with approving the working agenda, creating the working section commission, and the vote count commission. Afterwards, the annual report of STIKK has been discussed and approved by the members.

Mr. Vigan Budima continued with presenting the annual working plan for 2015, and during the discussions, members have requested to add as activity the establishment of the STIKK Innovation Hub, which would help members to create new business opportunities with other vertical sectors.

The last part of the annual assembly consisted of nominating and voting the new Executive Board members of STIKK, a session led by Mr. Dardani Vokshi. As result of nominations and votes from the members of the assembly, the members of the STIKK Executive Board for the period 2015-2017 are:

Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci from the company Rrota (President of the Board)
Mr. Ermal Sadiku from the company LinkplusIT
Mr. Arben Ymeraga from the company Melita&Partners
Mr. Milot Shala from the company Rolling Rabits
Mr. Altin Ukshini nga FLOSSK

These members are joining the board from the period 2014-2016:

Mr. Dardan Vokshi from the company INET
Mr. Vigan Budima from the company ASSECO SEE
Mr. Mentor Sahiti from the company Adaptivit
Mr. Alban Kastrati from the company IPKO

STIKK wants to take the chance to thank everyone who participated in the Assembly.