STIKK took part in the National Framework of Qualifications Seminar

On September 16, STIKK took part in the seminar on National Framework of Qualifications on the qualifications for the stakeholders of General Education and AAP.

The objectives of this workshop were:

– ensure that the participants understand the rationality of the qualification types in NFQ
– identify issues that affect communication with users about qualifications in general education and AAP
– assemble instructions from participants on the nature and use of the types of training

In the first presentation, it was discussed more about the types of training at NFQ, where several examples were given such as New Zealand, Ireland and Scotland. The main point of the discussion was which of these examples would be useful for Kosovo.These issues were presented by an international expert John Hart.

Also during the day two workshops were organized were the participants had the opportunity to address questions about the rationality and basis for qualification at NQF types of Kosovo.