Young Coders Win the Audience Award

The Festival of Code organized by Young rewired State, which this year was held on August 3 in Plymouth UK, was a very successful achievement for the team from Kosovo. This festival encompasses a number of brilliant ideas by children all around the world who know the coding language. For the first time Kosovo participated in this festival and managed to achieve good results.

Kosovo’s team includes 10 children who created an application called 101city, an application with three modules, which will provide information for the water shortage schedule, waste collection schedule and also filing complaints in case of irregularities, and the third module which includes a list of sites that can be visited as historical monuments, museums, schedule performances in cinema, theater and recreational activities that are available in our country.

For their hard work during the 4 month training period and their work during the last week of the competition, the children were awarded with 10 tablets which were sponsored by EYE-Enhancing Youth Employment project funded by SDC Swiss Development Cooperation. The jury of the festival awarded the children with “Special Mention Award” by which the children will be awarded with 10 Raspberry Pi, and certificates will be distributed for their first participation in the festival. However, the awards did not stop here.

This year for the first time , the festival decided that these ideas be shared with the general public and through the website of the Young Rewired State to vote for their favorite idea. From the four posted ideas, the Kosovo’s team application was the most voted and also won the audience award under the category Should Exist of the 5 categories altogether (Should Exist, Best Design, Best Example of Coding, Code a Better Country, Best in Show). The participation in this festival was a great success not only for our children but also for the Kosovo Association of Information and Communication Technology (STIKK), which now after this success will continue to engage with Young Coders project for the upcoming years.