National Day of Information and Communication Technology

This year, for the sixth time in a row the ICT companies from Albanian territories met for the Nationwide Traditional ICT Day on 7/10/2014 at Prevallë. Over 40 representatives of the ICT sector including companies from Kosovo and Albania met with the goal of identifying the cooperation modalities, strengthening and creation of a nationwide professional network in the field of ICT.

Mr. Shkumbin Brestovci, Chairman of STIKK Board, as the host of the event welcomed the participants to the event. The audience had an opportunity to listen to the presentation of Kosovo IT Barometer by Mr. Bardh Kadiu, STIKK Program Coordinator and the Albana IT Barometer presented by Mr. Romeo Sharko, AITA Board member.

Following the presentations the participants had an opportunity to contribute to the open discussion regarding the difficulties occurred in terms of cooperation between the two countries. The companies continued to exchange their experience and their knowledge during the cocktail with was also planned as a networking event.

The attending companies highly evaluated the need to further continue the cooperation in order to overcome the identified barriers and creation of a more favorable environment for doing business.

This day was concluded with the visit to the Prizren League.