STIKK Job Fair 2014

STIKK in cooperation with member companies and with the assistance of Academia Partners organized “STIKK Job Fair 2014” for the ICT Sector, with the aim of reducing unemployment and providing opportunities to students and professionals to be introduced with the private sector and the market needs for employment.

The “STIKK Job Fair 2014” was held on May 27, 2014, at the Innovation Centre Kosovo (ICK), in Prishtina. There were 11 ICT companies (Trokit, SAP, AdaptivIT, ASECCO, Cacttus, DataPrognet, ITD, Sollaborate, ZAG Apps, DM Consulting and Entermedia) participating in the Job Fair. Each of these companies had the opportunity to promote themselves and their products/services, where there were 40 job vacancies.

During the day, 560 visitors came to visit the Job Fair and apply for the opened vacancies.

Based on the feedback from the participating companies, each company contacted approximately 120 students/professional during the day. Moreover, the companies and participants were satisfied with the overall organization of the “STIKK Job Fair 2014”, especially with the location and time.

STIKK is planning to organize more and better Job Fairs for the ICT sector in the near future.