STIKK held a meeting with Kosovo Customs

On 23.04.2014, based on the request of its members, STIKK organized the meeting with Mr. Kelmendi, sector leader for legislation and advice, where the executive director of STIKK, Ms. Cavolli participated together with the representatives of some member companies such as Asseco, Cacttus, Art House, ITD Kosova, Ilir Kosova.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the administrative problems when it comes to importing ICT equipment, which by law are exempt from customs duties, as well as other problems that are facing the ICT sector companies.

STIKK along with participating companies and with the support the Kosovo customs, they agreed to work on a manual over the Law No. 04/L-163 for goods exempt from customs and goods with zero customs tax, in order to facilitate the implementation of the law adequately.

Mr. Kelmendi expressed his willingness to help companies and also agreed that after the document is completed, a meeting should be organized with representatives of customs.