ICT-KOSEU: Information session on ICT

On March 27, 2014 STIKK as one of the ICT-KOSEU project partner organized an information session on Kosovo’s participation in the new EC Framework Programme HORIZON2020 at the MEST. Z. Ulrich Boes, from URSIT, Bulgaria also a ICT-KOSEU project partner offered the participants a general overview of HORIZON2020, the main goal of which is to simplify several aspects compared to the previous framework, however still there are many procedures to be followed. Horizon 2020 should support all stages in the research and innovation chain (including non-technological and social innovation, and activities that are closer to the market), with innovation and research actions having a different funding rate based on the principle that the closer to the market the supported activity is, the larger the additional funding from other sources should be.The participants also had an opportunity to hear from the experiences of Kosovar researches from Diaspora: Priv.-Doz.Eng.Nysret Musliu, associate professor and leader for research project at the Technical University of Viena, Austria, Dr.-Eng.Naim Bajçinca, Senior Researcher Associate at the Max-Planck-Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems & Control Theory and Lecturer in Technical University of Berlin on the topic of “Experience in research as a prerequisite for participation in research projects.” The meeting was concluded with the presentation by the STIKK representative mrs. Mjellma Alijaj on the Online Survey for ICT Research Roadmap, targeting ICT stakeholders. The roadmap will be aligning Kosovo’s ICT research priorities with the priorities set forth by HORIZON2020.